Domestic violence, also known as DV or intimate partner violence (IPV), occurs when a family member, spouse, or intimate partner uses threats or actual harm to control others in a recurring manner. This abuse can manifest in various forms such as physical, emotional, sexual, financial, cyber or stalking. To learn more, please see the resources below.
If you are unsure about whether you are experiencing DV or IPV, or if you require immediate assistance, please call our 24/7 information line 805.964.5245
Technology can be wonderful to keep us connected to the world. Sadly, many domestic abusers use technology to control, frighten, harass or threaten their victims.
DVS can help end the high-tech abuse, and help put in place protective safeguards.
Would that person be able to see online right now that you are on this website, or calling the Crisis Line from your phone? Please log off and reach out from a safe device or computer in a safe location.
Are you being bullied or even threatened-on-line by a family member or intimate partner?
Have you discovered a tracker or camera that you did not know about, or even if you did, was it installed to monitor or stalk you?
Does this person monitor all your surfing history?
Is your partner or family member controlling or tampering with your social media?
Are your on-line accounts manipulated by your partner or family member?
Is this individual messaging demands for money or inappropriate photos of you?
These behaviors by a family member or intimate partner is a form of domestic abuse.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: Resources-Survivors — Safety Net Project (
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EIN: 95-3495141